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Talent Hunt

Prakash College of Commerce and Science organized Talent Hunt from 03rd September to 08th September 2022. Different events were conducted under Talent Hunt. The motive behind conducting the talent hunt was to find the talent, passion, and ability of students and to encourage them to come forward and show their hidden talent. Following were the events conducted under the Talent Hunt :
On Saturday 3rd September 2022, 4 events were organized under Talent hunt. They were as follows :
• Drawing and Painting were organised in block no.1 at 11 a.m. 45 mins were given to students. The theme was open to all. Students had done great art.
• 2nd event was Mono Acting which was conducted in block 05 at 11 a.m. Students performed a scene from their favourite movie.
• Temporary Tattoo Making was organised in Block no.3 at 12noon. 30 mins were given to students. The theme was open to all. Students made beautiful tattoos on their friend’s hands.
• The last event was done on the same day which was Salad Decoration in block no.04 at 12noon. 30 minutes were given to students. Students used fruits and veggies to decorate.