Prakash College of Commerce and Science celebrated Traditional Day on Saturday 10th December 2022. The main motive to celebrate the day was to allow students from different cultures to share their heritage with each other.
We organized a Personality Contest to add a spark to the celebration.
Three rounds were there
1) Ramp Walk
2) Students showed their talent for the second round in various forms like dancing, singing, salaries, self-made poem recitation and speeches
3) Question-Answer.
Students were chosen from these rounds. Winners were given certificates. Students from all the sessions were dressed in beautiful, appealing traditional attire. The pictures were taken of the students. The day ended with real joy and ecstasy.
Following are the winners of the ‘Personality Contest’:
Degree College
1st Rank: Pushparaj Chauhan (FYBCOM/B)
2nd Rank : Melina Pereira (FYBCOM/A)
3rd Rank: Sakshi Salvi (SYBCOM/A)
1st Conso: Tanvi more (SYBCOM/C)
2nd Conso: Rohan Kalyankar (FYBCOM/A)
Junior college
1st rank: Akansha Maurya (FYJC/C)
2nd rank : Abhishek Tiwari(SYJC/A1)
3rd rank : Ritu Vishwakarma(SYJC/A1)
1st Conso : Boby naik(SYJC/A1)
2nd Conso : Rituraj golipkar ( SYJC/A)
3rd Conso: Manisha Paswan (FYJC/B)
4th Conso : Kriti kunti (FYJC/A)