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‘A real man does not care about what others think about him,
He just does what he has to for the good of his family’

International Men’s Day is celebrated every year on November 19th. The celebration was first declared in February 1992 by Thomas Oaster to raise awareness about the issues that men face. 

 The objective of this day is to focus on men’s and boys’ health, improving gender relations and promoting gender equality. It also highlights the presence of male role models.

 In the history of Prakash Vidyalaya and College of Commerce & Science it was the first time that we have celebrated International Men’s Day organised by our Management Trustees Mr Shirish Gandhi Sir & Mrs Bhavana Gandhi Ma’am on 19th November, 2019. All the men staffs was amazed and felt happy when they heard about the celebration. 

 We all female staff wished them and give vote of thanks to all the men for everything that they have did for us in any role such as a boss, colleague, friend, brother, etc. Also in due respect we honoured them by giving a rose to each male staff member followed by cake cutting which is the most important part for any grand celebration. There was also a game organised namely “ AAMDANI ATHANI RUPAIYA” & “ BALLON PASSING GAME “ where all the male staff enjoyed this game and played with enthusiasm. 

There was also an arrangement made of hot & cool refreshment for all the staff members after which DJ took place which was an energy booster for all our male staff. 

This how the celebration end and all the staff members took infinite memories along with them at home.