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Here we came up with our Fresher’s Day party… With the help of our Management & Cultural Committee the event of Fresher’s day was conducted. It was not only the event of Fresher’s day but even Chocolate Day was celebrate to spread sweetness among students & teachers. 

We Prakashians welcomed all the newcomers of F.Y.J.C. to our friendly atmosphere. It was a great pleasure to see our newcomers with their beautiful attires. Our campus was looking very colourful & vibrant. The biggest surprise given by our fresher’s was their talents which they showcased on the floor. All our management trustees, teaching & non- teaching staff members were amazed to see them. 

Our Cultural Committee organised the Fashion Show , where the attire were made up of papers & plastics. There were also dancing, rapping as well as singing performances. The talent was just in the air. As it was also a Chocolate Day, there was a competition kept, whoever will have lots of chocolate in variety. The will be awarded as Chocolate King & Chocolate Queen. Many games where conducted for students. For more to enjoy the moment there was a D.J party organised for students along with refreshments .All the students were enjoying the music and were dancing with full craziness & joy.  The aim of Fresher’s Day celebration was to welcome our freshers to our college and make them feel that they are with their own people. It is always a try of our institution to give students healthy & friendly environment, where students can bloom out with their talents & capabilities.  

The day ended with lots of beautiful memories for lifetime.  

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