Minutes Cooking Without Heat competition organized by the PR Committee (Women Development Cell) for junior and degree Sections on 20th August 2022 at 9 am in Block Number 8. Many participants were excited to participate in the Cooking Without Heat competition and made unique, different, and Tasty dishes. They brought all the ingredients from home. They completed tasks within the given time. A total of 22 students participated in this competition. It was an honor to have Prof. Anjali Pandya and Prof. Shivani Ghatage for judgment.The Winners of the competition are1) Vishwakarma Ashok 29/F TYBCOM2) BendurYogita 59/A SYBCOM3) Varthe Gauri 92/B SYJCConso Prize Sharma Sumit 60/A SYBCOMConso Prize Jadhav Sanika 03/B SYJC